Saturday, 6 February 2010

Google AnaLUNACY!


Eek! I get it that I DON'T get google analytics, and that I only really check it just to make me feel like a "real" craftsperson, giggle...but it's all fun and games until it ends in tears! And I felt close to tears when I saw my google analytics telling me that I had some traffic and!

The first speaks for itself, it's a blog someone has created to showcase all the most minging stuff that is currently being sold online (!), and the second is a website dedicated to, well, odd stuff found online...Whimper!

Well, since then I think I have deduced that it doesn't mean I was featured on these sites, just that someone came to etsy, and then to me, from them....and if I'm wrong about that frankly I do NOT wanna know!

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