Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Final St. Patrick's Day Card: promise!

This, like the Tricolour card (completely unloved and unhearted on Etsy btw! Boo!), has been kicking around in my head for a while, mostly because I do like drawing snakes; but, of course St. Patrick afficianado's out there will know, snakes are also relevant to the great man himself, seeing as it is popularly believed that he single-handedly drove all serpents from Ireland (and kept them out by growing fields of shamrocks - news to me ;p !)
So here's the before and after - dammit all but again I'm disappointed that I couldn't get all the details of the drawing to show through in the embossing, but CLOSE! Actually the detail - showing the under-and-overs of the celtic knotwork - can't be seen in the above pic, the final one is in Paint and I couldn't find it to upload. Silly!
Anyway, I'm retiring my Green goggles now - my Etsy page looks mouldy at the top, thank goodness for the featured spots to showcase a little colour!

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