Friday, 3 August 2012

Never Rains But it Pours

I have been tinkering with a new series of cards based on the Irish weather (naturally, it being an all-consuming topic here). There have been a few incarnations, over months and months now, but finally with Inkscape in my life I thought I was happy with the images, and just needed to print...
Sigh. Something still seemed wrong! I decided that it was my home printer - and since I didn't want to outsource the printing, and couldn't afford to train in and buy the equipment for something really gorgeous like Letterpress printing, I thought I could make the Paper my USP (unique selling point!).
I wanted the really thick almost fluffy card, but could only find suppliers outside Ireland which meant shipping costs were awful so...I thought I'd make it myself! I tried white pulp, newspaper pulp, and mixes of both.

Then printed as many variations of my images as I could.

But I can't help but think it still isn't working that well...

And bizarrely, they are improved in the photos!
Not sure where to go with this next, but actually really like the newspaper ones with the white pulp strategically positioned so might make up a batch of these and offer them as supplies on Etsy. A few of my efforts were thwarted by my printer's rollers leaving marks on the uneven surface of the handmade paper, but I'd say someone who uses stamps and other embellishments might like them as cardstock...
'Course then my USP is gone out the window! Frustrated!